To Szklarska Poręba one can get by bus or train. For your convenience here are some important links:
Trains schedule
Bus schedule - buses from Jelenia Góra (in polish)
As a destination you should choose Szklarska Poręba Górna.
There also will be a conference bus. It will depart on Sunday, September 18 from Prague Airport at 4:00 pm. Back trip to Prague is planned at 2:00 pm on Friday, September 23. Time travel (one way) is approximately 2.5 hours.

Meeting point at the airport

The meeting point at the Prague airport is in the arrival lounge in Terminal 2 by the "Coffee Heaven" cafe. You can also find our meeting point on the airport map - look for point 21. Here is the link to the web-map: Airport map
You can see the meeting point also on the page with the virtual walk : meeting point view