To Szklarska Poręba one can get by bus or train. For your convenience here are some important links:
Trains schedule
Bus schedule - buses from Jelenia Góra (in polish)
As a destination you should choose Szklarska Poręba Górna.
There also will be a conference bus. It will depart on Sunday, September 20 from Prague Airport at 4:00 pm. Back trip to Prague is planned at 2.00 pm on Friday, September 25. Time travel (one way) is approximately 2.5 hours. Everyone who wants to take this bus, must mark this on the registration form.

Meeting point at the airport

The meeting point at the Prague airport is in the arrival lounge in Terminal 2 by the "Coffee Heaven" cafe. You can also find our meeting point on the airport map - look for point 21. Here is the link to the web-map: Airport map
You can see the meeting point also on the page with the virtual walk : meeting point view
Please be at the meeting point at 4.00 pm.