9th WORKSHOP in MATHEMATICS, Gronów 2001

H. Bielak
Local and mean Ramsey numbers for some graphs
M. Borowiecki and M. Hałuszczak
Generalized Ramsey sets
M. Borowiecki and E. Łazuka
Chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs
E. Drgas-Burchardt and A. Kęsicka
The cost colouring of hypergraphs
A. Dudek and A.P. Wojda
F-saturated bipartite graphs
Z. Dziechcińska-Halamoda, Z. Majcher, J. Michael and Z. Skupień
A construction of irregular digraphs of a given order and any possible size
J. Grytczuk and M. Hałuszczak
Non-repetitive coloring of graphs
J. Harant
On cycles through prescribedd vertices
M. Horňák
On the point-distinguishing chromatic index of Km,n
A. Idzik, Zs. Tuza and X. Zhu
Cut-vertices in edge-coloured complete graphs
S. Jendroľ
On irregular total labellings
M. Kubale
Can small graphs be colored optimally?
M. Kucharska
The generalization of KP-digraph and KPC-digraph
D. Michalak
Domination, independence and irredndance with respect to hereditary properties
P. Mihók
On reducible properties of hypergraphs
A. Niculista, V. Voloshin and H.-J. Voss
Coloring mixed hypergraphs
M. Olczak
Unit distance graphs
K. Przesławski
Indecomposability of polyhedra
A. Pecher and H. Thuillier
On Cayley partitionable graphs
I.Z. Ruzsa, Zs. Tuza and M. Voigt
Distance graphs with finite chromatic number
I. Schiermeyer
All cycle-complete graph Ramsey numbers r(Cm,K6)
G. Semanišin
On some variations of unique Factorization Theorems
Z. Skupień
Decompositions of nearly complete graphs
Zs. Tuza
Graph domination and induced subgraphs
M. Zwierzchowski
Domination parameters of graphs and special products of graphs
P. Żyliński
4-coloring in orthogonal galleries with one hole

Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Econometrics

University of Zielona Góra

Last modified: July 17, 2006